Communicate better in academic situations with these 100 sentences for school! From speaking to teachers to classmates, we cover a lot here! We will also look at some writing practice with a paragraph about school, too! This article will mainly focus on asking questions.

Sentences for school
Here is the first lot of sentences for school that focus on talking with classmates. You will notice that they are more casual than some of the later ones where we are communicating with teachers. Read and repeat them all to become familiar with how to say them!
- Hey, what did you get for number three?
- Could you lend me a pencil, please?
- What class do you have next?
- Did you finish your homework?
- Let’s work on this project together.
- Can you believe the amount of homework we have?
- Are you going to the game on Friday?
- What did you think of the new movie?
- Do you want to study together after school?
- I’m so excited about the trip!
Related: 100 Examples Of Interjection: Better English Communication!
- Are we hanging out later?
- Can we sit together during lunch?
- Who’s your partner for the science lab?
- How did you do on the test?
- Did you understand today’s lesson?
- Do you need help with your assignment?
- Let’s meet in the library after class.
- I can’t believe school is almost out!
- Do you want to join the school’s club with me?
- What’s your favorite subject?
Related: 100 English Sentences Used In Daily Life: Better Communication
Sentences for school: Classroom English for Students
The next set of sentences for school revolve around general classroom English for students. These are more informational in nature – the objective with these to request something or gain information.

- May I go to the restroom?
- Can you explain that again, please?
- I don’t understand this part.
- Is this assignment due tomorrow?
- Do we have any homework for tonight?
- What page are we on?
- Can I borrow an eraser, please?
- When is the project due?
- Can we work in groups?
- Would you like to read next?
- Do we need to bring our textbooks tomorrow?
- Is this going to be on the test?
- Can we use our notes?
- When will we get our grades?
- Can you turn on the lights, please?
- Are we allowed to use calculators?
- What’s the topic for the essay?
- Can I sharpen my pencil?
- When should we hand in our work?
- Let’s prepare for the presentation.
Related: 100 Noun Sentences For Better Grammar & Vocabulary
Sentences for school: Talking to a teacher
When we speak with teachers it is important to use more formal English language. Here are some sentences that we can use to talk to teachers:

- Good morning, Mrs. Smith.
- Can you help me with this question, please?
- Will there be a quiz tomorrow?
- How do we solve this problem?
- Can I see my test results, please?
- Could you check my assignment, please?
- Do we have any upcoming field trips?
- Where can I find the extra readings?
- Can you explain the homework to me, please?
- Is this the correct format for the essay?
- What should I study for the exam?
- Can I schedule a meeting with you?
- Do we have to submit our assignments online?
- Is it okay if I leave a little early, please?
- Can you recommend any good books?
- What time are your office hours?
- May I borrow a textbook?
- Is there a makeup test available?
- Could you repeat the instructions, please?
- Can you give me an example, please?
Related: 80 Wh Questions With Answers: Better English Speaking!
Sentences for school: Asking for Help
The next set of sentences on school focus on asking for help – a topic that can come up in a school environment, for sure!

- Can you help me with my homework, please?
- I need some assistance, please.
- Can you show me how to solve this problem, please?
- I didn’t understand the lesson, can you explain it to me, please?
- Where can I find the reference books?
- How do you spell this word?
- Can you help me find my class, please?
- I’m lost, can you guide me, please?
- Can you help me understand this chapter?
- Who can I ask for more information?
- My computer isn’t working, can you help?
- How do we cite sources in our essays?
- I would like a little help with my project.
- Can you assist me with this experiment, please?
- How do we format the bibliography?
- Could you help me find this book?
- Can you show me where to submit the assignment?
- I don’t get this part, can you help, please?
- Can you explain the instructions one more time, please?
- Can you help me catch up on the lessons I missed, please?
Questions for school
Finally today we are going to check out some general questions for school:

- Where is the library?
- Who is our substitute teacher?
- What time does lunch start?
- Is there a school assembly today?
- Are there any club meetings this afternoon?
- Where are we meeting for the field trip?
- What’s the topic for today’s discussion?
- Can we have extra time for this assignment?
- Is there a student council meeting today?
- How many more minutes for class to end?
- When will the new schedule be out?
- How do I join the school newspaper?
- Is the computer lab open now?
- What day is our science fair?
- Where do we submit our forms?
- Is there practice after school?
- How do we use the library catalog?
- Who can sign my permission slip?
- How do we register for summer classes?
- What’s our homework for tonight?
Paragraph about school
Here you will find a paragraph about school. This can be used as writing inspiration for those who need to write about the topic of school!

School is a place to learn and grow. It’s where we meet friends. We also discover new interests. Classes cover various subjects like math, science, and history. Teachers guide us through complex topics. Sometimes, lessons are challenging. But overcoming these challenges feels rewarding. Lunchtime is a favorite for many. It’s a break from academics. We get to relax and chat. Clubs and sports offer extra activities. These can help develop skills beyond the classroom. Homework helps reinforce what we’ve learned. Tests and quizzes measure our progress. Some days are tougher than others. Yet, each experience teaches us something valuable. School trips are exciting. They provide hands-on learning. Assemblies bring everyone together. We celebrate achievements and discuss important issues. At school, each day brings something new. It prepares us for the future. It’s not just about grades. It’s about becoming well-rounded individuals.
Sentences for school: good to know for anyone!
I hope you have enjoyed reading and repeating all 100 sentences for school! One useful thing to know before we finish today: many of these sentences are not only suitable for school life, they can be used in everyday English stations, too. Here are a few examples from this article:
- Can you explain that again?
- I don’t understand this part.
- When is the project due?
- How do we solve this problem?
- Where do we submit our forms?