The word “about” is a common preposition in English. It is used in a variety of contexts, often to show topics, descriptions, and relationships. In this article, we will check out 70 example sentences with about and illustrate how it is used in different ways.
Sentences with About
“About” is frequently used to mean “approximately” or “around,” especially when discussing numbers or quantities. Here are 10 sentences with about that show approximation:

- The meeting will start at about 2 PM.
- There are about 20 people in the room.
- He paid about $100 for the ticket.
- The movie lasted about two hours.
- I will arrive in about 15 minutes.
- There were about 50 guests at the party.
- She’s about 5 feet tall.
- The package weighs about 10 pounds.
- It will take about an hour to get there.
- The store is about a mile from here.
These sentences with about help convey an approximation, giving an estimated value or time frame.
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Common Uses of About in Sentences
“About” can be used in various ways, including to show the topic of a conversation, to describe something roughly, or to indicate direction or movement. Here are 10 sentences with about that demonstrate some of the most frequent uses:

- She asked me about the project.
- He is talking about his trip to Japan.
- I was thinking about going to the movies.
- We had a conversation about the new policy.
- The book is about a young girl who becomes a hero.
- He told me about his new job.
- There was a lot of noise about the upcoming event.
- They are concerned about the environment.
- I read an article about global warming.
- She was telling me about her plans for the weekend.
These sentences with about show how it is often used to indicate the topic of a conversation or idea.
Sentences with About to Show Concern or Interest
Another common use of “about” is to indicate concern or interest in something. Here are 10 sentences using about that demonstrate this use:

- She is worried about her exam results.
- He’s very passionate about his work.
- They are concerned about the safety of the children.
- I’m excited about the concert tomorrow.
- He’s thinking about moving to a new city.
- We’re not sure about the new policy.
- I’m not happy about the changes in the schedule.
- She’s interested about learning new languages.
- They are unsure about the next steps.
- He is talking about his feelings.
These sentences with about show how the word is used to indicate personal emotions, concerns, or interests regarding something.
Sentences with About for Direction or Movement
“About” can also be used to describe movement or direction, especially when combined with verbs indicating action. Here are 10 sentences with about that illustrate this use:
- The children were running about the yard.
- Dave walked about the town for hours, shopping.
- He looked about the room for his keys.
- The dog was running about chasing a ball.
- They wandered about the city looking for food.
- I was looking about for a place to sit.
- She turned about and went back home.
- He moved about the office quickly.
- They walked about in the park during the afternoon.
- I was searching about for my phone.
These sentences with about demonstrate how “about” is used with verbs of movement to indicate direction or action in a general area.
Sentences with About for Describing a State of Being
“About” can also describe something in relation to a state, action, or event happening around a person. It gives additional context to the sentence. Here are 10 sentences with about that show how this works:
- There is something strange about him.
- It’s all about helping others.
- The children were excited about their new toys.
- She was talking about her recent trip.
- Everything about the event was perfect.
- There’s nothing special about that movie.
- She’s worried about what might happen next.
- I’m curious about his opinion.
- The story is about an impossible journey.
- Lee was upset about losing the game.
These sentences using about show how it can be used to describe feelings, situations, or what something is centered around.
Describing the Topic of a Conversation or Idea
“About” is often used when talking about the subject or theme of something. It helps specify what the conversation, book, idea, or topic focuses on. This usage is essential for providing clarity and context in communication. Here are some examples:
- I was talking to Kate about the weather.
- They gave a lecture about the history of art.
- We talked about the movie for hours.
- Let’s have a conversation about your plans for next year.
- He wrote an article about the effects of social media.
- The children are learning about animals in school.
- She’s reading a book about the French Revolution.
- He gave me a report about the company’s progress.
- The teacher talked about climate change during the lesson.
- They had an argument about politics.
These examples show how “about” is used to indicate the subject or content of what’s being discussed.
Using “About” to Express Approximate Time, Age, or Quantity
“About” is also helpful when expressing rough estimates, whether it’s time, age, distance, or number. This use is especially common in casual conversations when precision is not essential, but an estimate is sufficient. Here are several examples:
- Ava is about 30 years old.
- The meeting will last about an hour.
- It’s about 5 kilometers from here.
- I will finish the work about midday.
- The store is open about 12 hours a day.
- The movie starts at about 7 PM.
- The book weighs about 3 pounds.
- We are about to leave for the airport.
- I have about 20 minutes before I need to leave.
- They will arrive at about 9 AM.
These sentences highlight how “about” can be used to estimate time, age, and quantities in a casual and straightforward way.
Sentences with about: Useful for giving information
In conclusion, sentences with about illustrate the flexibility of the word. Whether you are describing a topic, making an approximation, expressing concern, or showing movement, “about” can serve many functions in English. By practicing these examples, you’ll be able to use “about” in various situations, improving both your speaking and writing skills!