sentences with accept

50 Sentences With Accept: Boost Your Confidence In English

Learn how to use the word ‘accept’ correctly with these handy sentences with accept, covering a big variety of situations. As a crucial part of everyday English, mastering this word can improve your communication skills and help you navigate various social and professional situations with confidence. Don’t let confusion hold you back – read on to discover the usefulness of this word, and how it can benefit your language learning journey.

Related: Elevate Your English Game with Apply in a Sentence

Here’s exactly what you will learn today:

All about sentences with accept:Accept meaning and accept pronunciation
Short sentences with accept Advanced English sentences with accept
Accepted in a sentenceAccept vs except
How to accept a job offer in EnglishHow to decline a job offer

Accept meaning

accept meaning
Accept meaning: To take something that has been offered to you!

The word “accept” is a verb, and usually means to receive or take something that is being offered or presented to you. It can also mean to acknowledge or recognize something as true or valid. For example, if someone says “I accept your apology,” it means they are willing to forgive you for something you did wrong. Similarly, if someone says “I accept your invitation,” it means they are willing to attend the event you invited them to.

So, to sum the word up, “accept” shows a sense of agreement or consent. It’s often used to show that someone is willing to go along with what another person is proposing or suggesting.

Sentences with accept

Here are some handy example sentences with accept. They are short, so it should not be too hard to repeat them. Repeat as much as you can to enhance your fluency!

  1. James was quick to accept the job offer.
  2. William refused to accept defeat.
  3. I accept your apology.
  4. Sarah couldn’t accept the harsh reality.
  5. We must accept the consequences of our actions.
  6. John didn’t accept the terms of the agreement.
  7. Lily’s parents couldn’t accept her decision to drop out of school.
  8. Mark struggled to accept his brother’s death.
  9. Rachel was reluctant to accept the new changes.
  10. Jessica couldn’t accept that her relationship was over.
  11. Alex was pleased to accept the award.
  12. Jason was forced to accept the punishment.
  13. Amanda had to accept that she was wrong.
  14. Michael couldn’t accept the fact that he was fired.
  15. Olivia had to accept that her project wasn’t good enough.
  16. Samantha was happy to accept the invitation.
  17. He just couldn’t accept the rejection letter.
  18. Emily could not use accept in a sentence, no matter how hard she tried!
  19. Matthew refused to accept the bribe.
  20. Isabella had to accept that her dream was not realistic.
  21. Andrew was ready to accept the challenge.
  22. Ava was willing to accept the criticism.
  23. Benjamin couldn’t accept the criticism.
  24. Caroline was excited to accept the promotion.
  25. David had to accept the consequences of his actions.

Accept pronunciation

Let’s find out how to pronounce accept. The word is typically stressed on the second syllable. Here’s a breakdown:

  • The first syllable sounds like “uhk,” similar to the “a” in “about.”
  • The second syllable is stressed and sounds like “sept,” which rhymes with “kept.”

Put it together, and it sounds like “uhk-SEPT.”

Here is a phonetic spelling that can help guide you: /əkˈsɛpt/

Advanced English sentences with accept

Here are some more challenging sentences with accept. Again, try to repeat them all several times, focusing on intonation and pronunciation.

  1. Elizabeth readily accepted the offer, cognizant of its potential benefits.
  2. I could not accept the fact that my friend’s footy team was better than mine!
  3. I acknowledge and accept your apology with equanimity.
  4. Finn struggled to reconcile himself with the stark reality of joblessness but ultimately accepted it.
  5. We must accept the repercussions of our actions, whether good or bad.
  6. Jim demurred on accepting the terms of the agreement, citing its impracticability.
  7. Sara’s parents couldn’t fathom accepting their daughter’s decision to abandon her studies.
  8. Mike grappled with accepting the death of his brother, searching for solace.
  9. Ronda was averse to accepting the novel changes, being more comfortable with the status quo.
  10. Jess refused to resign herself to accepting that her relationship was over.
  11. Alexander was elated to receive and accept the accolade, lauding his accomplishments.
  12. Jake reluctantly agreed to accept the punishment, despite his protestations of innocence.
  13. Sophia had to concede and accept that she was in the wrong, owning up to her mistake.
  14. Michael couldn’t come to terms with accepting the fact that he was terminated from his job.
  15. Olivia had to reconcile herself with accepting that her project didn’t meet the desired standards.
  16. Samantha was thrilled to accept the invitation and eager for the forthcoming event.
  17. Deena was crestfallen to receive and accept the rejection letter, recognizing it as a huge setback.
  18. Mia gladly accepted the gift and was appreciative of the gesture.
  19. Matthew was incorruptible, refusing to accept the bribe despite the temptation.
  20. Charlotte had to relinquish her fervent desire, accepting that it was merely a pipe dream.
  21. Andy was undaunted and ready to accept the challenge, viewing it as an opportunity for growth.
  22. Anne genuinely struggled to use accept in a sentence, but was finally able to do so after reading up on its meaning.
  23. Ben was churlish and unwilling to accept constructive criticism, taking offense instead.
  24. Carla ecstatically accepted the promotion, viewing it as a testament to her hard work.
  25. Lucas had to reconcile himself with accepting the consequences of his actions, regardless of how unpleasant they may be.

Let’s use accepted in a sentence

So far we have just focused on the single word accept in a sentence. Now let’s take a quick look at the difference between that and accepted.

Accept: Let’s use present tense sentences

“Accept” and “accepted” are both forms of the verb “to accept,” but they are used in different contexts.

“Accept” is the base form of the verb, and it refers to the act of agreeing to receive or take something that is offered or presented. For example, “I will accept the job offer,” means that the person is willing to take the job that has been offered to them.

Accepted: Let’s use past tense sentences

On the other hand, “accepted” is the simple past tense, and also the past participle form of the verb as well. It’s used to talk about an action that has already taken place in the past. For example, “He has accepted the terms of the agreement,” means that he agreed to the terms at some point in the past.

In general, “accept” is used in the present tense to express an ongoing action, while “accepted” is used in the past tense to describe an action that has already been completed. Additionally, “accepted” can also be used in the present perfect tense to describe an action that started in the past and continues up to the present moment. For example, “I have accepted the fact that I made a mistake.” Now I think we can use both accept and accepted with confidence!

Accept vs except

Accept” and “except” are two commonly confused words in English. Many of my students have struggled to use them accurately. Let’s talk about the difference right now so there isn’t any confusion!

accept vs except
Let’s look at the difference between accept vs except


“Accept” is a verb that means to receive or agree to something. For example: “I accept your apology.” “She accepted the job offer.”


“Except” can be used as a preposition, conjunction, or verb, and it means to exclude or leave out something. For example: “Everyone is going to the party, except for Jim.” “I like all fruits except for bananas.” “I can’t go out tonight, except if you want to visit my favorite cafe!.”

Here are some example sentences to show the difference:

  1. I will accept your proposal if it meets our requirements.
  2. All the students passed the test except for one.
  3. Maria didn’t want to accept the water, because the glass looked dirty!
  4. You can choose any color you want except for red, which is not available.

Now we can use both accept in a sentence, and except. Well done!

How to accept a job offer in English

Now we will deepen our understanding of today’s main word, and practice using accept in a sentence – with a focus on how to accept a job offer.

How to accept a job offer
Let’s look at the steps needed to professionally accept a job offer in English!
  • Express gratitude: Thank the employer for offering you the job and express your excitement for the opportunity.
  • Ask for clarification: If you have any questions or concerns about the job offer, you should ask. It’s better to get everything cleared up before accepting the offer.
  • Respond in a timely manner: Don’t leave the employer hanging for too long. Answer in a timely manner, typically within a few days.
  • Be professional: Remember that this is formal communication. Use professional language and tone in your response.
  • Confirm the details: Make sure to confirm the details of the job offer, including the all-important salary, start date, benefits, and any other important information.
  • Go over the offer carefully: Take the time to carefully review the job offer before accepting it. Make sure you totally understand the terms and conditions.
  • Accept in writing: It’s best to accept the job offer in writing, such as via email or letter. This provides a record of your acceptance and helps steer clear of any confusion or misunderstandings.
  • Follow up: After accepting the job offer, follow up with the employer to confirm any next steps or to get additional info you may need to get ready for your new role.

How to accept a job offer: Work sentences with accept

Here is a short summary table on how to accept a job offer, with example sentences to use.

Steps to accept a job offerExample sentences
Show gratitudeI am thrilled at the prospect of working here, and I am so grateful to accept the job offer!
Clarify the job offerI would like to accept your generous offer of employment
Be professionalThank you kindly for the opportunity
Confirm detailsCan I just confirm the remuneration, please?
Accept in writingI would like to accept the your generous offer of employment
Follow upIs there any additional information you need from me before I start?

I hope these tips help you navigate the job acceptance process successfully!

How to decline a job offer 

To further raise our whole understanding of the topic, let’s look at the opposite of accept in a sentence – decline. Specifically, how to decline a job offer.

how to decline a job offer
Declining a job offer can be stressful

Here are some general tips and etiquette to think about when declining a job offer in English:

  • Be prompt: Let the employer know as soon as possible that you will be declining the job offer. This shows respect for their time and also allows them to move forward with other candidates.
  • Express appreciation: Thank the employer for the job offer and express your gratitude for their time and consideration.
  • Provide a reason: It’s courteous to provide a brief explanation for why you are declining the offer, but be honest without being negative or critical. You don’t have to give a detailed explanation, but providing some background info can help the employer understand your decision.
  • Be professional: Remember that this is formal communication. Use professional language and tone in your response.
  • Offer to stay in touch: If you had a positive experience with the employer and are open to future opportunities, let them know that you would be happy to stay in touch and keep them in mind for the future. Don’t burn bridges!
  • Decline in writing: It’s best to decline the job offer in writing, such as via email or letter. It keeps things official and certain.
  • Respond graciously: After you’ve told them you won’t take the job, respond graciously and thank them for their time and understanding.

How to decline a job offer: English examples in a table:

Here is a short summary table on how to decline a job offer, with example sentences to use.

Steps to decline a job offerExample sentences
Express appreciationThank you for offering me this job
Give a reasonI’ve decided to get a different type of job
Act professionallyUse thank you, kind regards, sincerely, etc. in the email or letter
Offer to stay in touchIt’s been a pleasure. I’d like to stay in touch if at all possible
Respond graciouslyThank you for understanding. I apologize for taking so much of your time.

Remember, declining a job offer can be a difficult decision, but it’s important to be respectful and professional throughout the process, whether you choose to accept or decline the offer! 

Sentences with accept to boost fluency, vocabulary, and confidence!

Today we went over 50 sentences with accept, and also various aspects of the word, including its meaning and how to use it in sentences, as well as the difference between “accept” and “except.” Not only that, we talked about how to accept or decline a job offer in English, with tips for responding professionally and effectively. We looked at examples of accepted used in a sentence, and sentences with “accept” and “except” were compared for clarity. By understanding the nuances of the word “accept,” we will be able to improve our English fluency and vocabulary skills, and also feel confident when navigating job interviews and other professional situations.

Remember, there are more great English sentence articles over here at Natural English Central!