Sentences With Adapt

50 Sentences With Adapt: Better Grammar Guide

If you have had difficulty using English verbs, then you’ve come to the right place! In this fun tutorial, we are going to practice 50 sentences with adapt to help improve your English grammar! Simply read and repeat these grammatically correct sentences and watch yourself become more and more familiar with this word and how it is used in natural English!

Sentences with adapt

Here is the first set of today’s sentences with adapt. Read and repeat them all to practice your grammar, vocabulary, and intonation!

  1. I had to adapt to a new school when I moved.
  2. Donna quickly adapted to the fast-paced work environment.
  3. We must adapt to changes in technology.
  4. Marty adapted his recipe to make it gluten-free.
  5. It took some time to adapt to the new time zone.
  6. They adapted the play to appeal to a younger audience.
  7. The company adapted its marketing strategy for the new market.
  8. I had to adapt my schedule to accommodate the meeting.
  9. Sally can easily adapt to different situations.
  10. It’s important to adapt to the needs of your customers.
  11. He was able to adapt to the challenging circumstances on the mountain.
  12. I need to adapt my workout routine to my current fitness level.
  13. We should adapt our beach plans based on the weather forecast. It isn’t looking good this weekend!
  14. They had to adapt their travel plans due to the flight cancellation.
  15. She adapted the presentation to be more interactive.
  16. The team had to adapt their strategy during the game.
  17. It’s amazing how humans can adapt to different climates.
  18. I need to adapt to the new software system at work.
  19. He adapted his speech to suit the audience’s interests.
  20. We had to adapt our route due to road construction.
  21. It is essential to adapt to changes in the market.
  22. She quickly adapted to the new role at her job.
  23. They had to adapt their menu to include vegan options.
  24. I had to adapt to the local customs when I moved abroad.
  25. The plants had to adapt to the dry climate.

Related: 80 Sentences With Making + Make: Guide To Better Grammar

Adapt meaning: what is this word and how do we use it?

Now, let’s check out the meaning of adapt: The word “adapt” refers to the act of adjusting, modifying, or changing something in order to fit a new situation or circumstance. It can also mean to make something suitable or appropriate for a specific purpose. In English, we commonly use “adapt” when describing how people, organisms, or systems change and evolve in response to their environment. By adapting, we are able to better navigate and thrive in different conditions. It’s a verb, so therefore follows standard sentence word order.

Adapt synonym: What are one or two similar words to boost our vocab with?

Let’s check out an adapt synonym, or two!

Adapt synonymDefinitionExample Sentence
AdjustTo alter or modify something in order to fit or conform to a particular situation or condition.Betty had to adjust her schedule to accommodate the new meeting time.
ModifyTo make changes or alterations to something in order to improve or adapt it.They had to modify the design of the product to meet safety regulations.
TailorTo customize or make something suitable or appropriate for a specific purpose or individual.The chef tailored the menu to cater to the dietary restrictions of the guests.
TransformTo change or convert something into a different form or state, often with the goal of improvement or adaptation.The renovation project transformed the old house into a gorgeous, modern living space.
Which adapt synonym are you going to make a sentence with now?

Related: 55 Not Only But Also Sentences: Better Grammar Guide

Adapt in a sentence: part 2

And now, adapt in a sentence, part 2. Read and repeat them all!

  1. Timmy adapted his fashion style to fit in with the trends.
  2. We must adapt our teaching methods to engage the students.
  3. She adapted her workout routine to focus on strength training. She used free weights.
  4. They had to adapt their business model to survive in the market.
  5. I need to adapt my study habits for the upcoming English grammar exam!
  6. It’s important to adapt to different communication styles.
  7. Paul adapted his painting techniques to create a new style.
  8. We should adapt our diet to include more fruits and vegetables.
  9. They had to adapt their project timeline to meet the deadline.
  10. Lucy adapted her wardrobe for the changing seasons.
  11. The animals had to adapt to the loss of their natural habitat.
  12. I had to adapt my budget to account for unexpected expenses.
  13. He adapted his speech to be more inclusive.
  14. We must adapt to the new regulations in the industry.
  15. She quickly adapted to the new team dynamics.
  16. They had to adapt their marketing campaign based on customer feedback.
  17. It’s important to adapt to new technology trends.
  18. He adapted his resume to highlight his relevant skills with computers.
  19. We should adapt our bedtime routine to promote better sleep, don’t you think?
  20. They had to adapt their presentation to fit within the time limit.
  21. She adapted her gardening techniques for a smaller space.
  22. I had to adapt my driving style to the icy road conditions.
  23. He adapted his writing style to cater to a specific audience.
  24. We must adapt to the cultural norms of the country we are in.
  25. She quickly adapted her exercise routine to prevent injuries.

Related: 71 Sentences With Add: Upgrade Your Grammar And Fluency!

Sentences with adapt: FAQs

Here are some questions that are often asked when it comes to the word “adapt”, or making sentences with adapt:

How do you use adopt and adapt in a sentence?

  • Adopt: It means to take on or assume something, such as a new behavior, idea, or practice. For example: “She decided to adopt a healthier lifestyle by eating more fruits and vegetables.”
  • Adapt: It refers to adjusting or modifying something to fit a new situation or circumstance. For instance: “He had to adapt his speech to suit the interests of the audience.”

What is the phrasal verb “adapt to”?

The phrasal verb “adapt to” is used to describe the process of adjusting to or becoming comfortable with new situations, circumstances, or environments. For example: “After moving to a foreign country, it took some time for me to adapt to the culture and language.” Also: “She had to adapt her teaching style to the needs of her students.”

What is a word for adapt to a situation?

A word that can be used as a synonym for “adapt to a situation” is “adjust.” It implies making changes or modifications to fit the requirements or demands of a particular circumstance. For example: “He had to adjust his schedule to accommodate the new project deadline.”

What does it mean to adapt to circumstances?

Here are two examples that illustrate what it means to adapt to circumstances:

  1. Professional Adaptation: Let’s say you work in a fast-paced industry and your company has recently implemented new technology to streamline processes, like some new software or something. Adapting to this circumstance would involve actively learning and familiarizing yourself with the new technology, adjusting your workflow and routines accordingly, and embracing the changes. This flexibility and willingness to adapt can help you maintain your productivity and effectiveness in the evolving work environment.
  2. Personal Adaptation: Imagine you have planned an outdoor event, but on the day of the event, it begins to rain heavily. Adapting to this circumstance would involve quickly reassessing the situation and making necessary adjustments. This could mean relocating the event to an indoor venue, providing umbrellas or raincoats for attendees, or altering the schedule to include more indoor activities. By adapting to the circumstances, you can salvage the event and ensure that participants still have an enjoyable experience, despite the unexpected weather!

These examples demonstrate how adapting to circumstances requires being flexible, proactive, and able to think on your feet in order to effectively respond to changing situations.

Sentences with adapt: know how to use it naturally

I hope you have enjoyed today’s sentences with adapt! Remember, this is an English verb, so it follows standard sentence patterns like this:

I need to adapt my plans for the vacation.

Don’t forget, if you would like to practice more English verb sentences, there are plenty more on our website, just here!