sentences with appearance

Sentences with Appearance: 54 Examples For Great English!

Here we will practice 54 sentences with appearance so that you can see just how it is used in natural, smooth English! To improve your English, I would recommend reading and repeating all of these sentences enough times so that you can say them comfortably.

Appearance in a sentence, Appearance meaning,
Appearance synonyms, Appearance questions
Appearance in a sentence

Sentences with appearance

Here are the first 10 examples for sentences with appearance. Read and repeat them all. If any of the sentences are tricky to pronounce, say them slowly a few times so that you can build up confidence with them.

  1. The appearance of the train on the horizon brought relief.
  2. Lucy was startled by his sudden appearance.
  3. Their appearance at the company event surprised everyone.
  4. The scheduled appearance is at 10 AM.
  5. His sudden appearance created a buzz in the hall.
  6. An unusual appearance can lead to new conversations.
  7. Can appearance have any bearing on success?
  8. Their appearance marks the beginning of a new project.
  9. She was thrilled by her friend’s appearance.
  10. He has a slightly scruffy appearance

Related: Accommodation In A Sentence: 53 Examples For Better English

What does appearance mean?

Let’s look at what the word appearance actually means in a little bit of depth. An appearance is when someone or something comes into view. It can be as simple as someone entering a room. In an event, appearance means showing up or making a presence. It signals the start of an action or event. Sometimes, appearance can mean being seen for the first time. It can also mean a change from what is usually expected to be seen. For example, trying a new style is a departure from regular activities. Appearance isn’t always physical; it can be perceived like the appearance of an idea. People often feel different emotions when there is an appearance. It signifies arrival and engagement. We use the word appearance to describe how a person or thing looks, too.

Common Situations for Using the word Appearance

  • Events: Showing up at a party or ceremony.
  • Surprise: Someone appearing unexpectedly.
  • Introduction: The first time something is shown or seen.

Appearance synonyms and Example Sentences

  1. Arrival
    • Meaning: The act of coming to a place.
    • Example sentence: The guests made a grand arrival at the ceremony.
  2. Entry
    • Meaning: Coming or going into a place.
    • Example sentence: Jenny made a quiet entry into the room.
  3. Emergence
    • Meaning: Coming into view or becoming known.
    • Example sentence: The emergence of new technology surprised everyone.

Related: Affiliation In A Sentence: 53 Examples For Better English

Sentences with appearance: part 2

  1. In sports, a quick appearance can change the game.
  2. The artist’s new piece showed an appearance of bold colors.
  3. There was a notable appearance in his latest movie.
  4. A fresh appearance of ideas can be stimulating.
  5. The boat’s sudden appearance was a sight to behold.
  6. He noted the exact appearance time in his diary.
  7. The weather might affect the appearance of certain stars.
  8. They celebrated her appearance with cheers.
  9. His unusual appearance received a lot of attention.
  10. The bus’s appearance caught everyone off guard.

Appearance in a sentence

Here is the next set of examples for appearance in a sentence.

  1. Appearance occurs when we first see someone.
  2. He planned his appearance carefully.
  3. Early appearance ensures better seating.
  4. The appearance spot is clearly marked on the map.
  5. The star made an appearance.
  6. She mad a sudden appearance.
  7. The movie starts with a dramatic appearance of the hero.
  8. She checked the board for her appearance schedule.
  9. Appearance times are posted prominently.
  10. His appearance left a lasting impression on the group.
  11. With each appearance, new possibilities come forth.
  12. They watched the ship’s appearance from the dock.
  13. Appearances can be deceptive.
  14. His appearance marked his return to the stage.
  15. The hall was buzzing with anticipation of his appearance.
  16. Their appearance went as planned.
  17. He timed his appearance when the suspense was high.
  18. Appearance of the unfamiliar can be enlightening.
  19. They awaited her appearance with curiosity.
  20. The judge prepared for the defendant’s appearance.
  21. Appearance was a key topic at the gathering.

Questions with appearance

Try to answer these questions for English conversation practice! If you have no experience with the topic, fear not! Just use your imagination for the answers.

  1. From what point does your appearance in the story begin?
  2. How does witnessing a celebrity appearance affect your mood?
  3. What appearance in your life has had the most impact on you?
  4. Can you think of a situation where an unexpected appearance changed your plans?
  5. What is the most memorable appearance you’ve witnessed?
  6. How can an appearance shape your future plans?
  7. Describe a time when an appearance led to new opportunities.
  8. Do you believe every appearance signals a new beginning?
  9. Where was the appearance?
  10. What appearance do you look forward to with excitement?

A short paragraph about the topic of appearance

This paragraph is aimed at intermediate-level learners of English.

The topic of appearance can be both thrilling and nerve-wracking. It means coming into view in a known or unknown setting. You might be arriving at an awaited event. Or, you could be going somewhere new. Sometimes, appearance makes you a bit anxious. You have to meet new people or face new situations. But, it also means new experiences. You get to explore different places. Meet diverse individuals. Learn new skills. It’s a blend of emotions. But no matter what, an appearance often leads to growth. You gather more experiences. And that’s always a good thing!

A paragraph about the topic of appearance

Appearance is a moment filled with various emotions for many people. I remember my first appearance on stage for a school play. My friends and family were in the audience. My heart was pounding, but I was also eager to perform. As I stepped onto the stage, I felt a rush of adrenaline. The familiar school hall now seemed grander and more intimidating. The lights were bright, and all eyes were on me. Every line I delivered took me deeper into my role. Yet, there was a sense of freedom. I was expressing myself in a new way. The applause at the end felt rewarding and humbling at the same time. At first, everything felt daunting. But with each appearance, my confidence grew. My initial fear turned into excitement. Over time, I made new friends in the drama club and learned new acting skills. My appearance on that stage had been overwhelming, but it taught me to embrace challenges. It made me more resilient and outgoing. In the end, stepping into the spotlight helped me grow. Appearance can be daunting, but it often leads to personal growth and new experiences.

Sentences with appearance: a useful word to know!

I hope you have enjoyed reading and repeating all of these examples for sentences with appearance! Here are a final 3 sentences using appearance, gradually getting trickier:

  1. When is the appearance?
  2. How long do we have to wait until the appearance?
  3. His appearance sparked a lot of interest in the office.