Sentences With Assist

40 Sentences With Assist: How To Ask For Help!

Making sentences with assist is a very useful thing to know for the language learner! Today we will practice 40 of them! We will see how to use this very common English verb in both conversational situations, asking for help, and also with how to ask for assistance in an email. Let’s jump right into it!

Assist in a sentence 
Assist in a sentence 

Sentences with assist

Here are the first 10 of today’s sentences with assist. Read and repeat them all to get to know this word well!

  1. I asked my friend, Tom, to assist me in choosing an outfit for the party.
  2. Jake offered to assist in the kitchen when I was preparing dinner.
  3. The librarian is happy to assist you in finding the right resources for your project, so don’t worry about asking!
  4. Can you assist me in setting up the new TV? It looks a tad complex!
  5. Parent volunteers assist with reading sessions in the classroom.
  6. Could you assist with the distribution of gifts at the family reunion? I think there will be 29 relatives coming!
  7. I need assistance to decide which video game to buy next, there is too much choice!
  8. Our company will assist with relocation expenses if you accept the job offer.
  9. A good tutor can assist students in learning English.
  10. The car’s advanced navigation system assists drivers in finding the best route to their destination.

Related: 60 Sentences With Be: Crucial For Better English!

Assist meaning 

Now let’s confirm the meaning of assist, and then look at exactly how to use it in a sentence:

  • Meaning of Assist:

    • To help or support someone in achieving something.
    • To give aid or support to an effort or task.
  • Making Sentences with Assist:

    • Start with the subject (person, group, tool).
    • Use the word “assist” as the main verb.
    • Specify what the subject is helping with after “assist.”
    • Example: “The nurse will assist the doctor in surgery.”
    • Example: “Technology can assist in improving productivity.”

Assist in a sentence 

Here are 10 more examples of assist in a sentence for you to practice. Keep going!

  1. Many people assist in organizing community events in my area – particularly during the holidays.
  2. Water taxi services in Venice assist tourists in getting around the city efficiently.
  3. Older siblings often assist in taking care of their younger brothers or sisters.
  4. How-to videos on YouTube can greatly assist people in fixing household items!
  5. Getting enough sleep assists in maintaining good health, without a doubt!
  6. It’s important to assist others in times of need as a sign of solidarity and kindness.
  7. Today’s weather forecast assisted us in planning our picnic.
  8. Can someone assist me in moving this heavy furniture?
  9. Domestic animals like cows and horses often assist farmers with their daily tasks.
  10. The fitness trainer assists new members in using gym equipment safely.

Related: Bathe In A Sentence: 35 Examples For Cleaner English!

Assist with meaning

A phrase using today’s main word is “assist with”. It means to help someone with something.

  1. Homework Help:

    • A parent might assist with their child’s homework, helping them understand a challenging math problem or review for a spelling test.
  2. Meal Preparation:

    • Family members or roommates often assist with meal preparation, one chopping vegetables while another grills the chicken or sets the table.
  3. Moving to a New Home:

    • A good friend might assist with moving by packing boxes, lifting heavy furniture, and providing emotional support throughout the stressful process!
  4. Community Clean-Up:

    • Good neighbors may assist with a community clean-up day, picking up litter from local parks and beaches to help maintain a clean and safe environment for all. Does your area have anything like that?

Assist with in a sentence

Here are 10 examples of assist with in a sentence. If you can say them all out loud, it will help to you remember them better!

  1. Hey, could you assist with setting up the game console before everyone arrives?
  2. I’m baking a huge batch of cookies and could really use your help to assist with the dough.
  3. We’ll need some volunteers to assist with painting the community center this weekend. Know anyone?
  4. Can you assist with dog walking while I’m away on vacation? I’d really appreciate it.
  5. My little brother is going to assist with washing the car. We promised him ice cream afterward!
  6. The new app is designed to assist with tracking your daily exercise and meals.
  7. I’ve got to move some stuff to storage – Is there any chance you can assist with the heavy lifting, seeing as you’re so strong?
  8. During the festival, many locals assist with directing traffic and keeping things orderly.
  9. It’s great how the older kids at school assist with tutoring the younger ones in math and reading.
  10. I’m trying to fix my bike – would you mind assisting with holding the light?

Asking for help: sentences with assist

When asking for help, the word assist is a really good choice! It is not only polite, but also a little formal, so it fits the situation of asking for something! Here 5 more uses of the word assist, this time while asking for help:

  1. Could you kindly assist me with compiling the annual report data?
  2. I was wondering if anyone is available to assist with the preparations for the upcoming charity event.
  3. Is there someone who could possibly assist with troubleshooting this software issue? It has me perplexed!
  4. Would it be possible for you to assist me with practicing my presentation? I am not confident yet.
  5. May I ask for your assistance with gathering the materials needed for the science project? There is a lot to do!

Ask for assistance email

How to ask for assistance in an email is a skill any person studying business English needs to know! Here are 5 examples of how to ask for assistance by email:

  1. Could you kindly assist me with the project details at your earliest convenience?
  2. I’m reaching out to request your support in resolving an issue I’ve encountered with the software.
  3. Would it be possible to get some help with the financial report analysis by this Friday?
  4. I’m in need of assistance with the new client onboarding process, can you guide me through it?
  5. I would appreciate it if you could offer some help with the customer-relations event we are having next month.

Sentences with assist: a great word to know for helping people! 

I hope you have enjoyed reading through and repeating all of today’s sentences with assist, and have seen that it is truly is a common, everyday word that every English language learner should know.

  • “Assist” means to help; it’s a helpful word for everyday use!
  • It’s used at work or school to talk about giving or getting support.
  • Knowing “assist” helps you ask for help clearly.
  • It’s a polite and professional way to offer aid.