sentences with attempt

45 Sentences With Attempt: Shoot For Better English!

Do you sometimes find it hard to make sentences with attempt? Today we are going to learn and practice 45 fun sentences with this verb! To help your fluency with this word, simply read along and repeat all of these sentences.

Sentences with attempt

Here are the first of today’s sentences with attempt. After these, we’ll dive a little deeper into the meaning of the word.

  1. I will attempt to make a delicious lasagna tonight. I hope I can do it!
  2. Eve attempted to learn the guitar, but it wasn’t her thing!
  3. Don’t attempt to climb that tree without proper safety gear, Peter!
  4. He attempted to break the world record for the longest jump. He failed!
  5. Let’s attempt to solve this crossword puzzle together.
  6. They attempted to build a sandcastle but it kept falling apart.
  7. My dog attempted to catch the Frisbee in mid-air.
  8. We should attempt to set aside some time for relaxation each day.
  9. Nancy attempted to fix the leaky faucet but made it worse. Oh no!
  10. I attempted to ride a unicycle, but it was much harder than it looked.
  11. Don’t attempt to lift that heavy box by yourself, ask for help.
  12. They attempted to climb Mount Everest, but bad weather forced them to turn back.
  13. The chef attempted to create a unique fusion dish by combining two cuisines.
  14. I will not attempt to solve this difficult math problem without a calculator.
  15. Gemma attempted to learn French and found it incredibly rewarding.

Related: Assume In A Sentence: 45 Examples For Better Vocabulary

Attempt meaning: Let’s define this word and see how to use it!

The word “attempt” refers to:

  • Making an effort or trying to do something, even if success is uncertain.
  • It implies taking a shot at achieving a particular goal or completing a task.

To use the verb “attempt” in a natural sentence, place it before the action or task you are trying to accomplish. For example, “I will attempt to solve this challenging puzzle” or “She attempted to bake a cake from scratch.” Remember to use the appropriate subject pronoun, conjugate the verb correctly, and add any necessary modifiers or complements to make your sentence more clear and meaningful.

Related: Astonished In A Sentence: 30 Examples For Super English!

Sentences with attempt: set 2

Here are the second lot of sentences with attempt!

  1. I will attempt to bake cookies for the first time today.
  2. Jake attempted to fix the leaky faucet but couldn’t find the right tools.
  3. Sarah attempted to swim 4 lengths of the pool but got tired halfway.
  4. The student attempted to solve the math problem on the board.
  5. They attempted to build a sandcastle at the beach, but the waves washed it away.
  6. I will attempt to finish reading this book by the end of the week.
  7. Chef Adndrews attempted to create a new recipe using unusual ingredients.
  8. She attempted to juggle three balls but dropped them all! Oops!
  9. The teacher attempted to explain a difficult concept to the students.
  10. They attempted to organize a picnic in the park, but it started raining.
  11. Martin attempted to start his car, but the battery was dead.
  12. I will attempt to draw a portrait of my friend.
  13. Maya attempted to play the guitar, but her fingers hurt too much.
  14. The hiker attempted to climb the mountain but had to turn back due to bad weather.
  15. They attempted to organize a surprise party for their friend.

Attempt in a sentence: set 3

Here are some more examples of attempt in a sentence. Keep repeating them out loud!

  1. Gary attempted to learn a new language using a language-learning app.
  2. I will attempt to finish my homework before dinner.
  3. Mel attempted to fix her bicycle tire but couldn’t find a pump.
  4. The children attempted to build a treehouse in their backyard.
  5. They attempted to start the campfire using only sticks and stones.
  6. He attempted to convince his parents to let him go to the party.
  7. I will attempt to run a marathon next year.
  8. Mary attempted to bake a cake for her sister’s birthday.
  9. The workers attempted to repair the broken fence.
  10. They attempted to have a picnic in the park, but all the benches were occupied.
  11. He attempted to paint a landscape but couldn’t find the right colors.
  12. The students attempted to solve a challenging puzzle during their break.
  13. She attempted to learn how to skateboard at the skate park.
  14. They attempted to sing the song.
  15. I will attempt to make a new friend at the dinner party tonight.

Attempted in a sentence

Now we will specifically look at attempted in a sentence:

  1. Sarah attempted to finish her report before the deadline, but she was interrupted by a series of unexpected phone calls.
  2. The team attempted to implement the new software system, but they encountered several technical issues that hindered their progress.
  3. Mr. Jones attempted to get us all to work overtime last night. He failed!
  4. The sales manager attempted to close a deal with the client, but the negotiation process became more complex than anticipated.
  5. Jason attempted to complete the presentation slides, but his computer crashed, causing him to lose all his work! Bad luck Jason!

Sentences with attempt: FAQs

Here are some commonly asked questions surrounding this popular English verb:

What does “made an attempt” mean?

“Made an attempt” means to have tried or made an effort to do something, even if the outcome was not successful. It implies taking action or making a conscious effort towards a goal or task. It shows that someone gave it a shot, regardless of the result.

Example sentences:

  • She made an attempt to fix the broken faucet, but couldn’t find the right tools.
  • They made an attempt to climb the mountain, but had to turn back due to bad weather.

Does attempt mean success?

No, attempt does not guarantee success. The word “attempt” refers to making an effort or trying to do something, regardless of the outcome. It implies a willingness to take action, even if there is uncertainty or the possibility of failure. Success is not inherent in the word “attempt,” as it depends on various factors and circumstances.

Example sentences:

  • He attempted to solve the puzzle, but couldn’t find the solution.
  • She attempted to bake a cake, but it didn’t turn out as expected.

Attempt vs try: Is attempt the same as try?

In essence, attempt and try convey a similar meaning of making an effort or taking action. However, there can be a subtle difference in usage. “Attempt” often implies a more focused or deliberate effort towards achieving a particular goal, while “try” can be used in a broader sense to indicate making an effort or experimenting with something.

Example sentences:

  • He attempted to break the record for the highest jump.
  • She tried to learn to play the clarinet but didn’t stick with it.

What is the difference between effort and attempt?

The difference between effort and attempt lies in their specificity. “Effort” generally refers to the energy or work put into achieving something, while “attempt” implies a specific action or trying to accomplish a particular task. Effort can be continuous and ongoing, while an attempt is a discrete action taken to accomplish a specific goal.

Example sentences:

  • He put a lot of effort into training for the run.
  • She made an attempt to fix the leaky roof.

What is the meaning of “first attempt”?

“First attempt” refers to the initial or primary effort made to accomplish something. It signifies the first try or the initial step taken towards a particular goal. It is the initial endeavor before any subsequent attempts or actions.

Example sentences:

  • This is my first attempt at painting a landscape.
  • He made his first attempt to solve the math problem.

What is the meaning of “final attempt”?

“Final attempt” signifies the last effort or try made to accomplish something. It implies that there have been previous attempts, but this is the last opportunity or effort to achieve the desired outcome.

Example sentences:

  • This is his final attempt to pass the driving test.
  • She made her final attempt to convince her parents to let her study abroad.

Sentences with attempt: a handy word for trying

I hope you have enjoyed reading today’s sentences with attempt! The word “attempt” is useful for the following reasons:

  1. Expressing effort: It allows us to communicate that we are making an effort or trying to do something, even if success is uncertain.
  2. Goal-oriented language: It helps us convey that we are aiming to achieve a specific goal or complete a particular task.
  3. Clarity and precision: By using “attempt,” we can indicate that our action or intention is not guaranteed to succeed, providing a more accurate representation of our efforts.
  4. Avoiding over-generalization: It helps us avoid making sweeping statements by acknowledging that our action is an attempt rather than a definite accomplishment.
  5. Flexibility and adaptability: “Attempt” allows us to convey that we are open to trying new things, exploring possibilities, and taking risks without the pressure of absolute success.