sentences with bicycle

Sentences With Bicycle: 100 Examples For Great English

Here, we’ll have a look at 100 examples of sentences with bicycle, illustrating their natural and smooth use in English! Say them all out loud as many times as you need—practicing English nouns is a good way to boost your vocabulary.

bicycle in a sentence, heavy in a sentence
Bicycle in a sentence

Sentences With Bicycle

These are the first 25 examples of how to use sentences with bicycle. Read and repeat each of them. If you struggle with pronunciation, say the sentences slowly until you’re confident.

  1. The bicycle was heavy.
  2. Mary rode her new bicycle.
  3. He stored his bicycle in the garage.
  4. The bicycle had a flat tire.
  5. Many people commute using bicycles.
  6. Bicycles can be very efficient.
  7. They parked the bicycles neatly.
  8. The cat slept in the bicycle basket.
  9. She decorated her bicycle with stickers.
  10. The bicycle fell off the rack.

Related: Basket in a Sentence: 100 Examples For Great English

  1. They locked the bicycle carefully.
  2. The bicycle was bright red.
  3. Riding the bicycle built leg strength.
  4. The bicycle felt smooth to ride.
  5. He found joy in fixing old bicycles.
  6. These bicycles show signs of wear, unfortunately.
  7. Communities often have bicycle lanes.
  8. Bicycles can be a means of transportation.
  9. She demonstrated how to ride a bicycle.
  10. Bicycles can make commuting easier.
  11. They met to cycle together.
  12. A new bicycle can be expensive.
  13. Cleaning the bicycle was satisfying.
  14. Fancy bicycles can be fun to ride.
  15. Lucy had difficulty learning to ride a bicycle.

Related: Brick in a Sentence: 100 Examples For Great English

bicycle sentence, rode in a sentence
Bicycle in a sentence

Bicycle Meaning

bicycle meaning, define bike
Bicycle meaning

A bicycle is a two-wheeled vehicle that is powered by pedaling. For instance, you might say, “The bicycle was used to commute to work,” or “She used a bicycle to travel around the neighborhood.” Bicycles come in various styles or types, sizes, and designs, tailored for different activities such as racing, mountain biking, or casual riding. Despite their simplicity, bicycles play a crucial role in personal transportation and recreation. They are eco-friendly and offer a practical way to get around while also providing exercise. In essence, bicycles are indispensable in everyday life for their versatility and efficiency.

Sentences With Bicycle: Part 2

Here you will find the next set of sentences with bicycle. Keep reading and repeating, you’re doing great!

bike sentence
Is your bike new or old?
  1. Bicycles can be a joy to ride.
  2. A bicycle doesn’t have to be new.
  3. Through bicycles, he explored the countryside.
  4. What’s so special about this bicycle, I wonder.
  5. Bicycles can be stored easily.
  6. He treasured his first bicycle.
  7. Riding many bicycles taught Jake balance.
  8. They stood united in their love for cycling.
  9. Reviewing the parts of bicycles helped understand them better.
  10. Maintaining bicycles can be a satisfying task.
  11. Bicycles often have unique designs.
  12. He did not let a broken bicycle stop him.
  13. Bicycles can occasionally reveal mechanical issues.
  14. They used their bicycle for exercise.
  15. They got a lot of satisfaction from fixing bicycles in their garage.
  16. Bicycles can help people stay fit.
  17. Assembling bicycles takes skill.
  18. Bicycles made her more adventurous.
  19. A good workout can start with a bicycle ride.
  20. Bicycles can be a fun way to explore.
  21. Liam and Tony rode their bicycles to school.
  22. Maintaining a bicycle, he stayed focused.
  23. Bicycles encourage outdoor activity.
  24. He used bicycles to stay active.
  25. Owning a new bicycle can make us feel free!

Bicycle in a Sentence

Here are some more examples of bicycle in a sentence. Keep on reading them out loud, you’re doing well!

  1. She remained curious about the different types of bicycles.
  2. He found joy in cycling every morning.
  3. Using bicycles is part of an active lifestyle.
  4. They examined the bicycle for mechanical problems.
  5. Cycling long distances made them tired.
  6. A good bicycle can be very durable.
  7. They are arranging a bike storage shed.
  8. She grew more skilled at fixing bicycles, the longer she worked on them.
  9. Bicycles can inspire new travel routes.
  10. He stayed focused on maintaining the bicycles properly.
  11. They shared methods for cleaning bicycles.
  12. Bicycles helped her explore the town better.
  13. Staying positive while learning to ride a bike helps.
  14. He faced challenges with assembling new bicycles.
  15. Bicycles can look modern or vintage.
  16. The bicycle is in the garage.
  17. The helmet and gloves are with the bicycle over there.
  18. She faced numerous challenges with electric bicycles.
  19. Using bicycles helped them discover new trails.
  20. Learning to ride a bicycle brought out his determination.
  21. They had many bicycles to maintain.

Bicycle Questions

Here are 25 questions that use the word bicycle. Try to answer these questions for English conversation practice! If you have no experience with the topic, fear not! Try to use your imagination for the answers. Making sentences is a useful way to practice English.

Bicycle Questions
Bicycle Questions
  1. Whose bicycle is this?
  2. Where is the bicycle?
  3. How many bicycles are there in this storage room?
  4. Is that a racing bicycle?
  5. Is this bicycle new?
  6. How do you fix a flat tire on a bicycle?
  7. What does using bicycles teach us about the environment?
  8. Can you give an example of a good cycling route?
  9. How can bicycles improve fitness?
  10. Do you think bicycles make commuting easier?
  11. What kinds of bicycles have you tried?
  12. How do people maximize space in a bicycle rack?
  13. What is the best way to secure items on a bicycle?
  14. Have you ever seen a well-maintained bicycle?
  15. Does storing bicycles properly help to keep them in good condition?
  16. Can bicycles help reduce traffic congestion?
  17. How do bicycles contribute to a healthier lifestyle?
  18. What should you do to make fixing a bicycle easier?
  19. How do bicycles impact your daily commute?
  20. Can riding bicycles change your view on transportation?
  21. Why is it important to have a reliable bicycle?
  22. How can friends help during a cycling event?
  23. How do you stay efficient while repairing bicycles?
  24. Do bicycles test your mechanical skills?
  25. What have you learned from using bicycles for transportation?
  26. Where is your bicycle right now?

Bicycle Paragraph

Here is a paragraph using the word bicycle. Feel free to use it as inspiration for your own writing projects!

bicycle paragraph, bike essay
Bicycle paragraph

Bicycles are vehicles used to travel and exercise. They come in many styles and sizes, featuring different materials like metal or carbon fiber. Bicycles can be used for commuting, sports, or leisure. People use them to stay fit, enjoy the outdoors, and reduce their carbon footprint. Bicycles help keep people active and can be an eco-friendly way to get around. You might find them parked at bike racks, in garages, or on bike trails. Some bicycles have gears for varied terrain. Others have baskets or racks for carrying items. A bicycle also provides a sense of freedom. Think about the wind in your face as you ride on a sunny day. Riding a bicycle can make you feel connected to your surroundings. In stories, bicycles often symbolize adventure and independence. They can represent a journey and personal growth. Ultimately, bicycles are practical but can also bring joy and excitement.

Sentences With Bicycle: A Useful English Noun Practice

I hope you have enjoyed reading through and repeating all of today’s examples for sentences with bicycle! Don’t forget, if you would like to read and practice more English sentences, there are plenty to be found right here! Just browse through this website. As a final wrap-up, here are 3 more examples, getting a little bit trickier each time:

  1. The bicycle was useful for daily commuting.
  2. Can you show me how to properly fix a bicycle chain?
  3. What kind of bicycle do you think is best for mountain biking?