sentences with buy

55 Sentences With Buy & Bought: Better English Speaking

Today we are going to check out 55 sentences with buy and bought so that we can see how to use them in natural English. The word but is so common in everyday English, so as a learner of English, it is useful to practice with this word.

Sentences with Buy

These are the first set of sentences with buy we will practice today. Read them carefully and try to repeat them aloud. The goal is to become comfortable with how they sound and to feel smoother and more fluent when using them in conversation.

buy example sentence, I want to buy a new phone
Buy example sentence
  1. I want to buy a new phone.
  2. She buys groceries every Saturday.
  3. They will buy the tickets tomorrow.
  4. Do you want to buy some coffee?
  5. He is going to buy a gift for his friend.
  6. We need to buy more milk.
  7. I bought this book last week.
  8. I am going to buy a car soon.
  9. She always buys fresh vegetables.
  10. Why did you buy that shirt?

Related: 50 Sentences With Despite For Better Speaking And Contrast

Sentences with Buy: part 2

Here are some more sentences with buy. After that, we will look into English structure for a bit.

  1. They will buy a new car next month.
  2. I need to buy some clothes for the winter.
  3. Did you buy the bread at the store?
  4. We can buy our groceries after work.
  5. She is going to buy some new shoes tomorrow.

Related: 55 Sentences with Need: Better English

Meaning and Examples of Buy

The word “buy” is a verb. It refers to the action of obtaining something by giving money in exchange for it. In simpler terms, when you buy something, you pay for it. This is one of the most common verbs in everyday language, as buying is a regular activity for most people. The structure for using the verb “buy” is usually: subject + verb (buy) + object (the thing you’re purchasing).

Typical Situations for “Buy”:

Here are some common situations where you might make sentences with buy:

  • At a store: When you go to a shop or a mall, you often buy things like food, clothes, and electronics.
  • Online shopping: More and more people buy things online, from clothes to gadgets like TVs and speakers, and even groceries.
  • Big purchases: You may buy a house, a car, or expensive items like a computer.
  • Everyday items: People buy things like food, drinks, and toiletries like deodorant as part of their daily routines.

How to Form a Sentence with “Buy”:

  • The verb “buy” typically follows a simple sentence structure: Subject + buy + object.
    For example: “I buy fruits every day.”
  • If you are asking a question, the structure changes a bit: Do/Does + subject + buy + object?
    Example: “Do you buy vegetables at the market?”
  • In the past tense, “buy” becomes “bought.”
    Example: “She bought a new phone last week.”
Word TypeExample Sentence
VerbI buy fruits every day.
VerbShe wants to buy a new laptop.
VerbHe buys tickets for the concert.
Various patterns are used for sentences with buy

Buy in a Sentence

Now, let’s look at more examples of buy in a sentence. This will give you more practice with how to use it naturally in conversation. Try repeating each sentence aloud, and pay attention to how the words fit together.

buy in a sentence, You should buy a ticket for the event.
Buy in a sentence

16. You should buy a ticket for the event.
17. I can’t wait to buy my birthday present.
18. He plans to buy a house in the city.
19. We are going to buy a new laptop for school.
20. She buys everything online these days.
21. I will buy some snacks before the movie.
22. He buys coffee every morning on his way to work.
23. She is going to buy a bike this weekend.
24. They are thinking of buying a house near the beach.
25. Why don’t we buy a new computer for the office, or perhaps a tablet?
26. We should buy a new refrigerator soon.
27. I will buy lunch for everyone today!
28. He’s saving money to buy a new phone.
29. I have to buy some new batteries for the remote.
30. She is saving money to buy flights for her trip to Europe.

Sentences with Bought

Now we are going to use the past tense: “bought.” “Bought” is the past form of “buy.” It is used when you want to talk about things you purchased in the past.

Sentences with Bought, I bought a new jacket last week.
Sentences with Bought

31. I bought a new jacket last week.
32. They bought tickets for the concert.
33. She bought a beautiful painting for her house.
34. We bought some fresh fruit at the market.
35. He bought a new laptop yesterday.
36. I bought a birthday gift for my friend. I got him some wireless headphones.
37. She bought a delicious cake for the party.
38. We bought a coffee machine for the office.
39. He bought a book about history.
40. They bought a new TV for the living room.

Questions with Buy or Bought

Now let’s practice some conversation questions using “buy” and “bought.” Try to answer these questions in full sentences to improve your fluency.

question with buy
A question with buy

41. What was the last thing you bought?
42. How often do you buy things online?
43. Do you like to buy clothes or shoes more?
44. When do you usually buy groceries?
45. Where do you like to buy your food?
46. What is something you want to buy this year?
47. Can you remember the first thing you bought with your own money?
48. Do you prefer to buy brand-new items or secondhand things?
49. Have you ever bought something you didn’t need?
50. What is the most expensive thing you’ve ever bought?
51. Would you rather do, buy a house or rent an apartment?
52. What is the best deal you have ever bought?
53. Do you like to buy gifts for people? What do you usually buy?
54. Where do you buy your clothes?
55. What kind of things do you buy in bulk, if anything?

Paragraph with Buy

Here is a short paragraph using the word “buy” several times. Feel free to use this as inspiration for any writing projects you have. This paragraph is about a character planning to buy a phone, but it also touches on some related ideas that are useful in real life.

I am planning to buy a new phone next month. My old phone is very slow, and it’s not working well. I will go to the store to buy it, but first, I will check the prices online. I want to buy a good phone, but it must be affordable. I hope to find a special deal or discount when I buy it. If I find the right phone, I will buy it immediately. I know it’s important to buy a phone that will last a few years, so I will spend some time comparing different models. It’s not always easy to decide what to buy, but I want to make sure I’m making a smart choice.

Sentences with Buy: Practice Your English Accuracy

Learning how to use sentences with buy and “bought” is very useful for speaking and writing in English. These words are essential for talking about things you purchase, whether it’s groceries, clothes, or big purchases like cars or houses. Knowing how to form clear, accurate sentences with these words will help you in many everyday situations. Whether you are at a store, talking to a friend, or planning a big purchase, being comfortable with “buy” and “bought” will make communication easier. When you can use these verbs naturally, it will improve your ability to share your experiences, make plans, and express your needs in English.