sentences with center

Sentences with Center: 100 Examples for Great English

Today we are going to explore 100 examples of sentences with center, demonstrating their natural and smooth use in English. Practice these sentences aloud as many times as needed—enhancing your understanding of this word is a fantastic way to improve your vocabulary.


Sentences with Center

Here are the first 25 examples of sentences with center. Read and repeat each one. If you find it tricky, say the sentences slowly until you feel confident.

  1. The fountain is in the center of the square.
  2. She placed the vase right in the center of the table.
  3. The painting was hung in the center of the wall.
  4. They set up the chairs in a circle around the center.
  5. The center of the city is bustling with activity.
  6. He stood in the center of the room during the meeting.
  7. The park’s playground is located in the center of the field.
  8. The center of the target was hit perfectly.
  9. The team met in the center of the field for a strategy talk.
  10. The clock is mounted in the center of the tower.

Related: Sentences with Community: 100 Examples for Great English

center sentence
Center sentence
  1. She positioned the lamp in the center of the desk.
  2. The conference center has a large meeting hall.
  3. The ice cream stand is located at the center of the fairground.
  4. The center of the cake was filled with fruit.
  5. They gathered in the center of the stadium.
  6. The center of the cake was not cooked thoroughly.
  7. He looked at the map and saw the center of the town.
  8. The center of the dance floor was crowded with people.
  9. The monument stands proudly in the center of the park.
  10. She drew a circle with the center marked in red.
  11. The bookstore is located in the center of the shopping district.
  12. The center of the ring was adorned with a diamond.
  13. They built a new sculpture in the center of the plaza.
  14. The center of the garden was filled with colorful flowers.
  15. He placed the book in the center of the table.

Related: Chance In A Sentence: 100 Examples for Great English

Center in a sentence: More Examples

Here are some additional examples of center in a sentence. Keep reading them aloud, you’re doing great!

center in a sentence
Center in a sentence
  1. The center of the storm was very calm.
  2. She placed the centerpiece in the center of the dining table.
  3. The center of the page was blank for notes.
  4. The festival was held in the center of town.
  5. The new mall is the center of local shopping.
  6. He drew a dot in the center of the circle.
  7. The center of the town hall is used for community events.
  8. The medical center offers a variety of services.
  9. They took a photo with the monument in the center.
  10. The center of the room was cleared for the dance.
  11. The city center was decorated for the holidays.
  12. She placed the plant pot in the center of the windowsill.
  13. The center of the sculpture was hollow.
  14. The academic center provides tutoring services.
  15. The center of the floor had a large rug.
  16. The city center is always busy on weekends.
  17. The garden’s center was lush and green.
  18. The center of the exhibit featured ancient artifacts.
  19. He stood at the center of the crowd.
  20. The center of the cake was filled with chocolate.
  21. The town’s new community center is very modern.
  22. They drew lines to the center of the shape.
  23. The center of the campus is known for its beautiful garden.
  24. The center of the room had a large chandelier.
  25. The wellness center focuses on holistic health.

Sentences with Center: Part 3

Here you will find the next set of examples for sentences with center. Continue reading and repeating, you’re doing great!

  1. She focused her camera on the center of the stage.
  2. The center of the island was covered in dense forest.
  3. The new cultural center will open next month.
  4. He marked the center of the circle with a cross.
  5. The office is located in the city center.
  6. The center of the painting was the most detailed part.
  7. They celebrated at the center of the fairgrounds.
  8. The community center hosts many local events.
  9. The heart of the story is in the center of the book.
  10. She centered the text in the middle of the page.
  11. The center of the map shows the main roads.
  12. The center of the plaza had a large fountain.
  13. He placed the rug in the center of the room.
  14. The center of the design was eye-catching.
  15. The concert took place in the center of the arena.
  16. The new sports center is a popular hangout.
  17. The center of the ring sparkled brightly.
  18. The center of the flower was bright yellow.
  19. The center of the square was filled with market stalls.
  20. She looked at the center of the painting closely.
  21. The town center has many restaurants and shops.
  22. The center of the board game is where players start.
  23. The gym is located in the center of the town.
  24. The center of the arena was reserved for VIP guests.
  25. The center of the board had a large chess piece.

Center Questions

Here are 25 questions using the word center. Try to answer these questions in full sentences for English conversation practice. Use your imagination if needed. Forming sentences is a helpful way to practice English.

  1. What do you think is the most important feature of a city center?
  2. Have you ever visited a community center? What was it like?
  3. Where is the center of your favorite park?
  4. How does the center of a town usually differ from its outskirts?
  5. What activities do you enjoy in the center of a city?
  6. How would you design a perfect town center?
  7. Have you ever worked or volunteered at a community center?
  8. What is the center of attention at a typical party?
  9. Do you prefer living near the center of a city or in the suburbs?
  10. What’s usually found in the center of a shopping mall?
  11. How does the center of a garden differ from the edges?
  12. What kind of events are held in the center of your town?
  13. Do you think the center of a room should be decorated differently?
  14. What’s the most interesting thing you’ve seen in the center of a city?
  15. How important is the center of a city to its economy?
  16. What do you imagine the center of a medieval town looked like?
  17. How often do you visit the center of your city?
  18. What makes the center of a community important?
  19. How does the center of a town reflect its history?
  20. Have you ever taken part in an event at a community center?
  21. What should be included in the center of a public park?
  22. How does the center of a sports arena differ from the seats around it?
  23. What kind of businesses are usually found in the center of a city?
  24. How do you feel about the center of attention in social situations?
  25. What role does the center of a school play in daily activities?

Center Paragraph

Here is a paragraph using the word center. Feel free to use it as inspiration for your own writing projects!

In the heart of the city lies the bustling center, a hub of activity and excitement. This area, filled with shops, cafes, and cultural landmarks, is where locals and tourists alike come to experience the city’s vibrancy. On any given day, you’ll find people walking along the streets, enjoying the diverse range of activities available. From street performers to seasonal markets, the center of the city is a lively place where community and culture come together. The large central plaza often hosts festivals and public gatherings, making it a focal point for social interaction. As day turns to night, the center transforms into a hotspot for dining and entertainment, continuing its role as the city’s vibrant core. The center is not just a geographical location but a symbol of the city’s energy and spirit.

Sentences with Center: A Useful English Noun Practice

I hope you enjoyed reading through and repeating today’s examples for sentences with center! Remember, if you’d like to practice more English sentences, there are plenty of resources available. As a final wrap-up, here are 3 more examples with today’s word:

  1. The center of the exhibit was a giant, interactive model.
  2. The new library is located in the center of the campus.
  3. They placed a large rug in the center of the living room.