sentences with enough

56 Sentences With Enough: Better English Communication!

Boost your English vocabulary and practice speaking about sufficiency (or lack of!), with these 56 sentences with enough! Try reading and repeating them all. This will help you to become comfortable with using this frequently-used English word. Along with standard sentences, we will also check out:

  • A paragraph with enough
  • English conversation questions with enough
  • An quiz with enough
  • English phrases/Idioms with enough

So, let’s jump in, as there is more than enough to do today!

sentence with enough, enough money
A sentence with enough

Sentences with enough

Here are the first 10 sentences with enough – read and repeat them all to get comfortable with how to say them. The first few sentences that use enough have the word highlighted so you can find it quickly.

  1. She has enough money to buy the book.
  2. Is this shirt big enough for you?
  3. He didn’t study enough for the English vocabulary test.
  4. There are enough chairs for everyone.
  5. They weren’t tired enough to sleep.
  6. The soup is hot enough to eat now.
  7. Do we have enough time to get everything done today?
  8. This cake is sweet enough for my taste.
  9. You didn’t try hard enough to win.
  10. I have enough pencils for the class.

Related: 105 Sentences With Much: Better Grammar & Fluency

enough sentence, study enough, How to use enough in a sentence, enough meaning
Enough used in a sentence

How to use enough in a sentence

The word “enough” means having a sufficient amount or degree of something. It can be used with nouns, adjectives, and adverbs. For example, in the sentence “She has enough money,” “enough” describes the noun “money.” In “He is smart enough,” it modifies the adjective “smart.” The word often appears before the noun or adjective it describes. Native speakers use “enough” in many situations. They might talk about money, time, food, or skills. For instance, “Do we have enough time?” or “That’s not good enough.” It helps express adequacy and is common in everyday conversations.

Related: 50 Sentences Of Ought To: Better English Communication!

Enough in a sentence

Here are 10 more examples of enough in a sentence – keep reading and repeating them, you’re doing super!

enough in a sentence, smart enough
Enough in a sentence
  1. She is smart enough to solve the problem.
  2. Are we old enough to watch that movie?
  3. The water isn’t deep enough to dive.
  4. He didn’t run fast enough to catch the bus.
  5. Is this dish spicy enough for you?

Related: 75 Sentences With Many: Better English Grammar!

  1. They are strong enough to lift the box.
  2. The house is big enough for our family.
  3. I think I’ve had enough pizza for one day. I’m stuffed!
  4. You are brave enough to try new things.
  5. We have enough volunteers for the event.

Enough sentences in English

Here are another 10 sentences with enough in them:

Enough sentences in English
Enough sentences in English
  1. She wasn’t happy enough with her English test grade.
  2. Is there enough light in the room?
  3. He didn’t bring enough snacks for everyone.
  4. The story wasn’t interesting enough to finish.
  5. They are kind enough to help us.
  6. The weather is nice enough for a picnic.
  7. You are smart enough to find the answer.
  8. We do not have enough information to make a decision.
  9. This road is wide enough for two cars.
  10. She is old enough to vote now.

Related: 100 Examples Of Direct And Indirect Speech: Better Grammar!

Enough sentence examples

Here are some more examples of enough used in a sentence:

Enough sentence examples
Enough sentence examples
  1. Is the coffee strong enough for you?
  2. He is tall enough to reach the shelf.
  3. The movie was good enough to watch twice!
  4. There isn’t enough evidence to support that claim.
  5. She is patient enough to teach the kids.
  6. They have enough talent to succeed.
  7. The presentation was clear enough to understand.
  8. Are there enough options on the menu?
  9. The team played well enough to win the game.
  10. I hope we have enough time to explore Kyoto.

Enough paragraph

Here is a fictional paragraph featuring “enough”. Feel free to use it as inspiration for any writing assignments that you have! How many times can you spot the word enough?

Liam was starting his first job at the local grocery store. He felt nervous but excited. His boss told him, “Just be friendly enough with customers, and you’ll do great.” Liam nodded, hoping he was ready. On his first day, he stocked shelves and helped customers find items. He noticed some people needed help carrying their groceries. He thought, “I can lift enough to help them.” As he worked, he tried to smile and stay positive. At lunch, his co-workers praised him. “You’re doing well enough for a newbie,” one said. That made Liam feel better. By the end of the day, he realized he enjoyed the work. He felt proud that he was strong enough to handle the tasks. Liam knew this job would teach him a lot. He was ready to learn and grow, eager to see what he could achieve in the coming weeks.

Questions with enough

Here are 10 questions with enough, for speaking practice. Read them out loud, and try to make answers using full sentences. Use your imagination if you are not sure about what to say.

Questions with enough
Questions with enough
  1. Do you think you have enough time to finish your homework?
  2. Is your room big enough for all your furniture?
  3. Have you studied enough for the upcoming English exam?
  4. Do you have enough money to buy the concert tickets?
  5. Is this park big enough for everyone to enjoy?
  6. Is this restaurant popular enough to require a reservation?
  7. Do you feel confident enough to speak in front of a crowd?
  8. Is there enough variety in your diet?
  9. Have you seen enough movies to choose a favorite?
  10. Is your phone good enough for gaming?

Enough quiz

Here is a quiz that practices the word enough. Answers can be found at the bottom!

Enough quiz, enough test
Enough quiz

1. Fill in the blank:
She didn’t study _ for the test.
a) enough
b) too

2. Choose the correct sentence:
a) Is this bag big enough?
b) Is enough this bag big?

3. True or False:
“Enough” can be used with nouns only.

4. Complete the sentence:
We have _ food for the party.
a) enough
b) too

5. Which sentence uses “enough” correctly?
a) He runs fast enough to win the race.
b) He runs enough fast to win the race.

6. Choose the correct option:
Are you old _ to drive?
a) enough
b) too

7. Fill in the blank with a suitable word:
Pete is not _ enough to lift that box.

8. True or False:
“Enough” can be placed before adjectives and adverbs.

9. Choose the sentence that is NOT correct:
a) This movie is interesting enough.
b) This movie is enough interesting.

10. Fill in the blank:
Do you think we have _ time to finish the project?

Answers: 1. a) enough, 2. a) Is this bag big enough?, 3. False, 4. a) enough, 5. a) He runs fast enough to win the race., 6. a) enough, 7. strong, 8. True, 9. b) This movie is enough interesting., 10. enough.

Idioms with enough + Example sentences

Here are 6 phrases/idioms that use the word enough. Check them out, and then read the example sentences to practice.

Enough idioms, Enough already!, Enough is enough, Fair enough, Enough to go around, Sure enough, Have had enough
Enough idioms
Idioms with enoughMeaning
Enough already!A way to say that someone has said or done too much. It’s time to stop.
Enough is enoughThis means that a situation has gone too far. It cannot continue.
Fair enoughThis indicates that something is reasonable or acceptable.
Enough to go aroundThis means there is a sufficient amount for everyone.
Sure enoughThis phrase means that something is indeed true or as expected.
Have had enoughThis means someone is tired or fed up with a situation. They want it to end.
Try making your own sentences using these idioms with enough

Enough idioms: in sentences

Here are some example sentences:

Phrase using enoughExample Sentence
Enough already!“You’ve told that joke three times Tim; enough already!”
Enough is enough“I’ve been patient, but enough is enough; we need to make a change at work.”
Fair enough“I see your point about the project deadline; fair enough.”
Enough to go around“We made plenty of cookies; there are enough to go around for everyone.”
Sure enough“He said it would rain, and sure enough, it started pouring.”
Have had enough“After all the drama, I’ve had enough of this situation.”

Sentences with enough: useful to know!

I hope that you have enjoyed reading through and repeating all of today’s sentences with enough! Using the word “enough” is super helpful when learning English because it lets you express sufficiency in different situations. Whether you’re talking about money, time, or skills, “enough” helps clarify your meaning. It can modify nouns, adjectives, and adverbs, making your speech more precise. Plus, it’s common in everyday conversations, so mastering it can boost your confidence. Understanding how to use “enough” will definitely enhance your communication skills! Thanks for reading through this article to the end!