sentences on animals

161 Sentences On Animals To Skyrocket Your Grammar

Do you have a favorite animal? How about least favorite? Improve your English grammar and speaking today with 161 sentences on animals. In this article, we will talk about many categories of animals. We will use different tenses, adjectives, and prepositions to describe them, all the while learning and improving our grammar. Please practice reading these sentences out to improve your English fluency, too!

Related: 49 Sentences About Wild Animals: English Conversation Practice

Sentences on animals: Pets

Pets are marvelous. Cats, for example, have more than 100 vocal sounds. And I just thought they all had the same meow! For the first section of our sentences on animals, we will look at 10 lines on pets. But, before we get started: Please remember this article is a tool for practicing English and may not be 100% factually correct regarding animals. I have tried to be as accurate as possible, and I am sorry if any facts about animals aren’t correct.

  1. I think that dogs make fantastic pets.
  2. They are loyal and friendly.
  3. I also think that cats make very nice pets, too.
  4. They are cute, pretty, and quiet. Well, usually!
  5. Many people have hamsters for pets. 
  6. I think hamsters are relatively easy to keep because they live in small cages.
  7. Similarly to hamsters, many people like to keep guinea pigs.
  8. Guinea pigs are a little bit larger than hamsters.
  9. Rabbits are a common pet that people like to keep.
  10. My friend keeps a rabbit in her garden, and it lives in a little hutch.

Sentences on animals: big creatures

Did you know that all cows are female? That’s right, a male cow is called a bull. Here are 10 sentences on big animals.

  1. Cows often live on farms.
  2. They produce milk for us.
  3. Horses often live in stables.
  4. Some people ride horses.
  5. It is rare these days, but some horses are wild.
  6. Bears live in many countries and can get really large.
  7. The bear walked through the forests to the river.
  8. Deer like to live in forests, similar to bears.
  9. The deer walked silently through the forest!
  10. Buffalo tend to be quite large!

Sentences on animals: A few lines about leopards + more

Big cats belong to the Panthera category. The most well-known big cats are tigers, lions, jaguars, leopards, and snow leopards. Here are some catty sentences on animals! 

  1. Lions are often dun-colored.
  2. A female lion is called a lioness.
  3. If you go to Africa, you will be able to see lions in the wild.
  4. Jaguars look dangerous to me!
  5. Where do jaguars live?
  6. I think that leopards are very beautiful.
  7. They have black and yellow patterns on their coats.
  8. Leopards are very dangerous.
  9. Snow leopards live in Asia.
  10. Regular leopards live in Africa.

Sentences on animals: small ones

While most of the big animals are very recognizable, there are also many well-known small animals. Here we will look at a few. Some of them will be pets, and some of them will be wild animals. Here are 10 sentences on animals of the smaller kind.

  1. Hamsters are tiny animals.
  2. They are often kept as pets, particularly by younger children.
  3. To me, gerbils look very much like hamsters!
  4. I’d like to get a gerbil, actually. They look cute.
  5. Many people keep mice and rats as pets.
  6. I must admit, having a rat as a pet doesn’t appeal to me.
  7. Would you like to get a pet mouse or a rat?
  8. Many people keep mice and rats as pets.
  9. I must admit, having a rat as a pet doesn’t appeal to me.
  10. My friend has a pet rat, and he says it is a wonderful animal.

Sentences on animals: Dangerous ones

While many wild animals can pose a risk to humans, some of them are more dangerous than others. Now, we will make some sentences on dangerous animals.

  1. Snakes are dangerous animals. 
  2. The spitting cobra is venomous.
  3. Dogs are actually dangerous, because of rabies.
  4. Scorpions are also very dangerous creatures.
  5. Most people would agree that crocodiles are dangerous.
  6. Don’t go near the riverbank if crocodiles live nearby!
  7. A surprise to many, hippopotamuses are actually incredibly dangerous.
  8. They are very territorial animals, and that can pose a hazard when humans encroach.
  9. Elephants might look regal and docile, but they are dangerous.
  10. Elephants kill many people every year in the wild.

Sentences on animals: the big five

According to animal corner, The big five are the African cape buffalo, the African elephant, the African lion, the black rhinoceros, and the leopard. Here are 10 sentences about animals in the “big five” category. 

  1. The cape buffalo has big strong horns. 
  2. Its coat is dark.
  3. The African elephant is the largest of elephants.
  4. It has big ears, which resemble the shape of Africa!
  5. The African lion is a powerful and dangerous animal.
  6. They often live in groups, known as prides.
  7. Unfortunately, black rhinos have been poached ruthlessly over the years.
  8. Many black rhinos now live in guarded reserves in countries like South Africa.
  9. Leopards are extremely beautiful animals.
  10. Leopards predominantly live in Southern Africa, or the Southern fringes of central Africa.

Sentences with animal: past tense

Let’s look at some sentences with animal that include the past tense. Why use the past tense? It is a vital step in mastering English. Much of what we talk about in a language has already happened, therefore the past tense is essential! Here are 10 sentences on animals in the past!

  1. I fed the animals yesterday.
  2. The lion is such a majestic animal. It walked across the savanna.
  3. Hyenas are mischievous-looking animals. They stalked the zebras.
  4. Donkeys are hardy animals. That gray donkey just fed on dry-looking grass.
  5. My pet dog is a very companionable animal. Just now he came to my side!
  6. My pet cat wasn’t a very companionable animal. She never came to my side.
  7. Tracy really liked animals.
  8. Emma didn’t like animals.
  9. I think that a badger lived here because I can see old tracks.
  10. The animals drank from the trough.

Animal sentences: present perfect

Let’s now check out 10 animal sentences using the present perfect verb tense. Unlike the above past tense examples, this tense is handy for talking about what has happened until now. In terms of making sentences on animals, we could mention our experiences with them up to now. For instance: That is the biggest spider I have ever seen! It means that is the largest one I’ve seen in my entire life, until now! The present perfect can also be used to talk about the care of animals. For instance, I have fed the cat. This means, today, he was fed. It is referring to a recent action.

  1. The animals have eaten their food.
  2. The animals have walked across the field.
  3. Which animals have attacked these sheep?
  4. Have those animals been fed?
  5. really hope my dog has not eaten those berries. They are poisonous to animals.
  6. The birds have nested in this tree for years. They are animals of routine.
  7. My favorite sea animal is the whale. I have liked them for many years.
  8. My least favorite sea animal is the shark. I have disliked them for many years!
  9. My favorite domestic animal is the rabbit. I have kept one for years.
  10. My least favorite domestic animal is the snake. I have never kept one, and I don’t intend to, either!

Sentences with animal: comparing animals with comparative adjectives

Now we will make 10 sentences with animal using comparative adjectives. Comparative adjectives are words such as bigger, smaller, newer, and more expensive. They are useful for comparing animals. For instance, which is bigger, a rabbit or a tiger? A tiger is bigger.

  1. That animal is larger than the one over there.
  2. These animals are cuter than those animals.
  3. My Yorkshire terrier is a more affectionate animal than your cocker spaniel.
  4. The ragdoll in the pet shop is very pricey. I think it is a more expensive animal than the Birman.
  5. The mixed cat is rather cheap in the pet shop. I think it is a lot cheaper than the ragdoll.
  6. The cheetah is a fast animal. It is much faster than a hippo.
  7. The tortoise is a slow animal. It is much slower than a rabbit!
  8. That is a very attractive-looking bird. I do think parrots are more attractive than pigeons, it must be said.
  9. Your cat is a very calm animal. He is much calmer than my pet cat.
  10. The lion is a dangerous creature. Although, I think leopards might be more dangerous.

Animal sentences: comparing animals with superlative Adjectives

A superlative adjective is one which talks about the most of something. For instance the biggest, the longest, the oldest, the most dangerous, the most interesting, or the most expensive one. These types of adjectives are useful when comparing animals – they tell us what we think is the top/best/most in a given category. Let’s look at 21 animal sentences that focus on using superlative adjectives.

  1. That gazelle is the most beautiful animal I have ever seen.
  2. That sloth is the slowest animal I have ever seen.
  3. That little tropical fish is the smallest animal I’ve ever seen in my life.
  4. Your pet cat is the cutest animal I have ever seen!
  5. What is the most dangerous animal in the world?
  6. What is the fastest animal in the world?
  7. What is the most expensive animal to buy as a pet?
  8. What is the most affordable animal to buy as a pet?
  9. That’s the smallest animal I’ve ever seen in my life.
  10. Goldfish are the most affordable pets.
  11. My pet Doberman wasn’t the most affordable animal, but I am glad we got him.
  12. The prettiest bird is the hummingbird, in my view.
  13. Our cat isn’t the cutest of animals, but it is not important. She’s a good cat.
  14. What is the slowest animal you have seen?
  15. What is the most beautiful animal in the jungle?
  16. What is the furriest animal out there?
  17. In terms of cats, which breed is the cutest animal?
  18. I think that Ragdolls are the cutest animal.
  19. In terms of dogs, which breed is the friendliest animal?
  20. I think that Golden Retrievers are the friendliest animals.
  21. In your opinion, what is the most exotic African animal?

Sentences with animal: preposition examples

Here are 10 sentences with animal using various English prepositions. We use prepositions to talk about the position of something, the direction, or how something is done. Some common prepositions include: on, into, by, across, next to, and along. Let’s use these to make some descriptive sentences on animals!

  1. The animal walked through the forest
  2. The animal sat on the mat.
  3. The animal climbed into the box.
  4. The animal ran by the trap.
  5. The animal climbed out of the box.
  6. Did this animal walk along the road?
  7. Did this animal walk across the road?
  8. Is that animal sitting next to you your pet?
  9. The zoo is fun. What is that animal around the corner from the lions?
  10. If you walk over the hill, you will see some interesting animals.

Animal sentences: Cute cats & dogs

Which do you prefer, cats or dogs? As for me, I can’t decide as they are both great animals! For these animal sentences, we will talk about cute cats and dogs!

  1. That Siamese cat is very pretty.
  2. The cat’s fur is soft and fluffy.
  3. I fed my cat and then let him out into the garden.
  4. This cat is so cute, I’d love to keep him.
  5. How pretty this kitten is. I wonder if he is for sale?
  6. This dog is so cute and well-behaved, too.
  7. This golden retriever puppy is just adorable.
  8. Toy poodles are incredibly cute and friendly too.
  9. I wasn’t sure that German shepherds could be cute, but mine is!
  10. I fed our border collie and then took him for a walk.

Lines on animals: easy English

Here are 10 lines on animals that focus on simple, easy English.

  1. Cats are playful pets.
  2. Dogs are loyal friends.
  3. Birds can fly.
  4. Fish swim underwater.
  5. Elephants have trunks.
  6. Lions are kings.
  7. Turtles have shells.
  8. Butterflies are colorful insects.
  9. Bears hibernate in winter.
  10. Dolphins are smart swimmers.

Lines on animals: the names of 10 animals

Let’s boost our animal vocabulary with 10 lines on animals with names, too!

  1. Sloth: This chilled-out creature takes life in the slow lane, lounging in trees most of the time.
  2. Tiger: Tigers are magnificent big cats known for their striking orange and black stripes.
  3. Octopus: With its crazy number of arms, this sea ninja can wriggle its way out of any situation.
  4. Koala: Koala: A fluffy, eucalyptus-loving animal that spends most of its day napping.
  5. Penguin: These dapper little birds waddle around on the ice like they’re dressed for a fancy party.
  6. Corgi: Short legs, big personality – this adorable dog is a great pet.
  7. Meerkat: Always on lookout duty, this gang of cuteness stands tall to guard their turf.
  8. Toucan: Sporting a mega-colorful beak, this bird is the life of the tropical party.
  9. Hippo: Despite its chubby looks, this hefty swimmer is surprisingly quick and agile in the water.
  10. Hedgehog: Covered in prickly spines, this tiny night wanderer is basically a spiky ball of adorableness.

Lines on animals: advanced English

Here are 10 lines on animals that include more advanced grammar and vocabulary. Of note here is the use of more challenging adjectives (EG: majestic, cunning, agile).

  1. The majestic peacock displays its splendid plumage to attract potential mates.
  2. Cheetahs are renowned for their exceptional speed, making them fearsome hunters.
  3. The elusive chameleon can change its color to blend seamlessly with its surroundings.
  4. A group of elephants, with their impressive tusks, forage together in the vast savanna.
  5. The cunning fox uses its intelligence to outwit its prey and avoid predators.
  6. In the rainforest, the toucan’s vibrant beak stands out among the lush foliage.
  7. Whales, the gentle giants of the ocean, communicate through hauntingly beautiful songs.
  8. Kangaroos, native to Australia, are marsupials that carry their young in pouches.
  9. The agile gazelle gracefully leaps through the grasslands to escape from predators.
  10. The industrious beaver constructs elaborate dams to create habitats for its family.

Paragraph on animals

So far we have looked at lots of sentences on animals, to boost vocabulary. Now we will look at a paragraph on animals. This can be used as inspiration for school projects, or just to improve writing in general.

Today I am going to talk about animals. I am going to mention the animals that I like and some of them that I am not as keen on. The first animal that I like is the sheep. The reason I like sheep is that they are very useful animals for us. If we didn’t have sheep,  it might be difficult to get material for clothes. The second animal I’d like to talk about is cats. Cats make wonderful pets, in my opinion. They are companionable, pretty, and relatively trainable. They make great house pets.

Some of the animals I dislike are as follows. While not strictly an animal, more a reptile, I really don’t like snakes. While many people love these creatures, they just give me the shivers! Another creature I dislike is cockroaches! They run around the floor and look disgusting! A friend of mine said they are actually amazing creatures because they can’t survive and thrive in difficult situations, but to me, like snakes, I get the creeps!

Cow paragraph

Now I will write a paragraph on cows. I will talk about the benefits of cows, what cows look like, and why I like them.

Cows have many benefits, such as providing meat, milk, leather, and other things. I think that without cows our life wouldn’t be as good. Personally, I love to drink milk in the morning, I’m not soy milk or rice milk, but cow’s milk is the best! So, what do cows look like? Cows are large animals, often with black and white spotted fur coats. They are a diverse species, however, so you will find them in different colors, too. Next, why do I like cows? I like how it’s because they are placid, calm creatures. It is somehow relaxing to see a group of cows grazing in the field. Also as mentioned before, they provide us with many useful things, such as milk and meat. In my opinion, cows are very important to humans, in a number of ways.

My pet dog essay

So far, our paragraphs have looked at animals, and one particular one, the cow. Now I am going to talk about my pet dog. I will discuss what I like about him, and some of the things I don’t!  Please feel free to use this short essay as inspiration for your own school projects.

My pet dog is named Rex. Rex is a Labrador retriever. He is a very intelligent and friendly companion to me. If I’m feeling down, he will sit next to me, as if to try and comfort me. What a wonderful creature he is! Another good thing I like about Rex is that I can go walking with him. He always wants to go for a walk, even in the wind and rain of winter! I think the fact that he is always ready to go out with me, is a wonderful thing. It keeps me fit and healthy, and also him!

While I would say that I love having a pet dog, and 90% of the time it is great, there are one or two things that can be troublesome. The first thing is he likes attention, and if I am busy doing something else he doesn’t realize this of course, and sometimes jumps up to try to get my attention. There have been plates knocked over, schoolwork damaged, and so on. Also, why not so bad now, when he was a puppy toilet training took a long time! There were lots of messes left around the house! Now he is mostly good with that, but sometimes he forgets. That’s not the fault of the dog, they are animals. But it is a fault of my patience! Dogs are great!

FAQs: Sentences on animals + questions about animals

So far we have mainly been making descriptive sentences on animals, along with some paragraphs about them. Now let’s try answering some common questions about animals in English! 

What is one line about animals?

I can think of a hundred! But my one line about animals would be as follows:

Animals live in the natural world, there are many kinds, and some of them are also pets for humans.

What is your favorite animal why?

A very common English test question! There is no correct answer to exactly which animal is your favorite as it is a personal decision. I’ll give you a possible example right here:

My favorite animal is the hamster. I have a few reasons for this. This first comes down to appearance. They look absolutely adorable. Their fur is really pretty. They should be in a cage, and I think it can be very interesting to make a fun cage environment for them, with a wheel and hiding spaces.

How do you talk about animals in English?

To talk about animals in English it is helpful to know some basic vocabulary about them, and then we can talk! Some words we should know include:

  • Legs
  • Fur
  • Eyes
  • Paws
  • Teeth
  • Ears

Making a sentence with these words is a good way to practice. Here are 3 sentences on animals using the above words:

  1. Dogs have four legs
  2. I am brushing my cat’s fur.
  3. The paws of my dog are soft.

How do you describe a dog?

I would describe a dog as follows: 

A dog is an animal that is known as a canine. They are very intelligent creatures that make fantastic pets. They have four legs, paws, claws, a muzzle, and a fur coat. Dogs come in many breeds. Some of the more popular breeds include German Shepherds, Poodles, Labradors, and Chihuahuas.

What do you love about animals?

An example answer to this question could be as follows:

What I love about animals the most is that to me, they are uncomplicated. Humans have complex lives, but to me, the life of a wild animal is all about surviving. They have to get food and shelter and reproduce. That’s it. Also, I love animals as pets. Take the dog, for instance. Most of them are so loyal. They feel even more loyal than some humans, in fact! That’s why I love animals. 

Sentences on animals of all kinds for English vocabulary

Did you know that the English vocabulary consists of over 800,000 words? Amazing! While unrealistic to know all those words, I think that learning these words and sentences on animals today is a good step towards improving English vocabulary and grammar! I hope that also the paragraph on animals, the cow paragraph, and also the pet dog essay have given you some inspiration for any writing projects you might have!