Thought is the past tense of think. It is really common to use thought in a sentence. Today we will show you just how, like a native speaker! You will see 35 examples of this word in a fun, grammatically correct way so that you can then know how to make your own sentences and use them in your conversations!
Today you will learn:
The meaning of the word thought | How to use thought in a sentence | Thought synonyms |
35 interesting examples of thought in a sentence. | Thought vs think | Thought-provoking questions |

Thought meaning: It’s a past tense verb
Before getting into our examples of thought in a sentence, let’s make sure we fully understand this popular “expected synonym” by going over the meaning/definition of thought:
- “Thought” is the past tense and past participle form of the verb “think.”
- It means to have an opinion, belief, or idea about something.
- It can also refer to the mental process of considering, pondering, or reflecting on something.
- “Thought” is often used in sentences like, “I thought that…” or, “He thought it was a good idea.”
- It can also be used as a noun, meaning an idea or opinion, as in “I had a thought about that.”
- “Thought” can be used in a variety of tenses, including present tense (“I think”), future tense (“I will think”), and conditional tense (“I would think”).
How to use thought in a sentence
To use thought in a sentence, the typical word order in English is:
Subject (who or what) + past tense of the verb “thought” + object (what was thought about)
For example:
- She thought about her future career.
- He thought of a clever solution to the problem.
- They thought that the movie was boring.
It’s worth remembering that in some cases, the word order may be different depending on the emphasis or focus of the sentence. But generally, this is the standard word order for using “thought” as a verb in a sentence.
Thought in a sentence: 10 examples about school
Here are 10 examples of the past tense word thought in a sentence. Here we talk about the common English conversational topic of school.
- After receiving her test score, Sarah thought she had aced her math test, but was surprised to see a lower score than she expected!
- Jake was hesitant about his history class, but after attending the first few sessions, he thought it might end up being his favorite subject.
- Emily’s teacher thought she had a natural talent for writing and encouraged her to pursue it further.
- Ryan thought he could handle the workload of three advanced classes, but soon realized it was too much to handle.
- Alex was unsure about his science project, but after receiving an A, he thought it might have turned out better than he expected.
- Chloe thought she had caught her classmate cheating, but after discussing it with the teacher, realized she was wrong.
- Despite thinking he had missed the deadline, Max was relieved to find out the due date for his essay had been extended.
- Ava thought she would struggle with public speaking, but after practicing with her classmates, she gained confidence.
- In hindsight, Emma thought she should have studied more for her exam, as she didn’t perform as well as she had hoped.
- When reflecting on his academic journey, Ethan thought his biggest challenge in school was staying motivated and focused.
Thought in a sentence: 10 talking about work
Here are 10 example sentences using thought in a sentence, relating to the topic of work:
- After presenting her proposal, Rebecca thought her boss might not like it, but was pleasantly surprised to receive positive feedback.
- David thought his job was secure, but was shocked when he received a layoff notice.
- Stephanie thought she had a good work-life balance, but after experiencing burnout, she realized she needed to make changes.
- Eric thought his coworker was unapproachable, but after working on a project together, he found her to be quite friendly.
- When offered a promotion, Maria thought she might not be ready for the new responsibilities, but decided to take on the challenge.
- Tyler thought he had made a mistake in his report, but after reviewing it multiple times, he realized it was accurate.
- Despite thinking she was underqualified for the position, Lauren applied for the job anyway and was surprised to get the offer.
- Michael thought his boss was too demanding, but after receiving a performance review, he understood the expectations better.
- After struggling with a project, Samantha thought she might need to ask for help, but was able to figure it out on her own.
- When reflecting on her career, Lisa thought her biggest mistake was not negotiating her salary earlier in her career.
Thought in a sentence: 10 examples talking about hobbies + free time
What is your hobby? The next 10 ways we use thought in a sentence revolve around the topic of free time activities.
- After completing a painting, Emily thought it might not be her best work, but was happy to have tried a new technique.
- Jack thought he would never enjoy running, but after giving it a chance, he realized it was a great way to clear his mind.
- Sarah thought she would never get into video games, but after trying one with her friends, she became hooked!
- After a long day at work, Mark thought he was too tired to go to the gym, but after getting there, he felt energized.
- When planning her vacation, Anna thought she would visit a popular tourist destination, like Paris, but decided to explore a less-traveled path instead.
- Rachel thought she didn’t have a creative bone in her body, but after trying out different crafts, she found a new passion in pottery.
- Despite thinking he didn’t have a green thumb, James decided to start a vegetable garden and was pleasantly surprised by the results.
- After a few failed attempts at playing the guitar, Ben thought he might never get the hang of it, but continued to practice and eventually improved.
- When reflecting on her pastimes, Amy thought her biggest regret was not traveling more when she had the chance.
- Even though he thought he didn’t have much time to spare, David decided to pick up a book and was glad he did, as he found a new favorite author.
A thought synonym or two!
Next, we will go over a thought synonym, or more accurately, 4 of them! One of the benefits of studying synonyms is that our vocabulary becomes deeper, so we are able to express ourselves more concisely.
- Thought synonym 1: Expected – to think or believe that something will happen, or had happened
- Example: I expected it would rain today, and I wasn’t wrong!
- Thought synonym 2: Ponder – to think about something deeply and carefully.
- Example sentence: As he sat by the fireplace, he pondered over the events of the day.
- Thought synonym 3: Ruminate – to think deeply about something over a period of time.
- Example sentence: She spent the entire weekend ruminating over her relationship and what she should do next.
- Thought synonym 4: Contemplate – to consider or think about something at length, often with the intention of making a decision.
- Example sentence: He contemplated quitting his job for several months before finally deciding to do it.
Think vs thought: Which one to use?
To improve our grammatical accuracy while using thought in a sentence, it is very handy to know the difference between think vs thought. Let’s have a look:
In English grammar, “thought” and “think” are both verbs that refer to the mental process of considering something. However, there is a subtle difference between the two. “Think” is the present tense verb that is used to describe an ongoing mental activity, such as, “I think about my future often.” “Thought,” on the other hand, is the past tense verb that describes a completed mental action, such as, “I thought about my future and made a decision.”
- “think” is used for present-tense activities
- “thought” is used for past-tense actions
So, next time you’re writing or speaking, keep in mind the difference between “think” and “thought” to ensure that you’re using the correct verb tense. You’ll be speaking English well in no time!
Thought-provoking questions about thought
Here are 10 thought-provoking questions to ponder, all relating to the word thought, or thought synonyms such as ponder, expect, and contemplate. As an English fluency exercise, it would be useful to read these thought-provoking questions out aloud, and also create your own answers to them. Try and give as much detail as possible. If you can’t, don’t worry – but try and find a conversational partner for this one!
- What would you do differently in your life if you could simply hit the rewind button?
- If you could only keep three possessions, what would they be and why?
- How do you define success? Is it a measure of wealth, happiness, or something else entirely?
- What is the biggest obstacle that stands in the way of you achieving your goals?
- If you could go back in time and give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be?
- Do you believe that people are inherently good or bad, or is it a combination of both?
- What motivates you to keep going when things get tough?
- If you could have a conversation with any historical figure, who would it be and why?
- Is it better to be a generalist or a specialist in today’s world?
- What do you think is the meaning or purpose of life, and how do you find meaning in your own life?
Thought in a sentence & plenty more!
- Ava: What did you think about dinner last night?
- Ben: I thought it was tremendous!
- Ava: What did you think about the weather last weekend?
- Ben: I thought it could have been better!
These are just some of the ways we can use thought in a sentence! Today, we have covered a wide array of topics that are related to this powerful word. Let’s just summarize the topics:
- Thought meaning
- Thought in a sentence x 35
- Thought synonym
- Thought vs think
- Thought-provoking questions
Don’t forget, there are many more English sentence articles to read through here at Natural English Central. Keep on improving your English every single day!